Specific methods

The following methods are specifics of note to assist with development.


GET /clients

This method returns a short JSON definition in a document containing all clients. 

GET /clients/{id}

This method returns a specific detailed JSON document containing all fields. 

The {id} can be either;

  1. clientId (the Core system generated GUID) or;
  2. importuniqueid (your internally supplied id)


The PUT command creates a client record and if a clientlocation JSON structure isn't supplied a default location matching the clientname is created and set as the default location.

  • ClientId - If this value is supplied it's ignored.
  • Name - The only required.
  • ClientLocations - JSON structure. LocationName is required or an error is thrown.

PATCH /clients/{id}

This method takes a patchdocument in the request body returns a specific detailed JSON document containing all fields. 

The {id} can be either;

  1. clientId (the Core system generated GUID) or;
  2. importuniqueid (your internally supplied id)


GET /Equipment?locationid={locationid} - Gets a list of equipment at a specific clientlocation.

GET /Equipment/{EquipmentGuid} - Gets an item by its ID.

GET /Equipment/Search/Barcode/XXXX - Gets an equipment item with the barcode XXXX


GET /Jobs?statusid={statusid}&branchid={branchid}&techid={techid}&datefrom={datefrom}&dateto={dateto}

Mandatory search fields are statusid and DateFrom. If dateto isn't it's assumed as a month query.

This method returns a short JSON definition in a document containing all jobs. 

Typical senarios

  • Get all completed jobs in Jan - Jobs?statusid=5&branchid=123&datefrom=01/Jan/2022&dateto=31/Jan/2022 
  • Get all active jobs in Jan - Jobs?statusid=5&branchid=123&datefrom=01/Jan/2022&dateto=31/mar/2022


  • Statusid,datefrom are mandatory
  • Branchid,techid,dateto are optional
  • If you don't specify a dateto this is set as 30 days from datefrom
  • There is a limit of 3 months
  • The query returns a max of 200 items.

GET /Jobs/{id}

This method returns a specific detailed JSON document containing all fields. 

The {id} is the jobguid (the Core system generated GUID)

Job workers

Job workers are assigned by suppling a list of worker emails. Any previous workers allocated are removed from the job. If any of the technicans cannot be found (matching their email) an error is thrown.

PUT requestbody

The PUT command creates a job record based on a JSON job structure. 

The field definitions are on the Object Reference documentation.

PATCH requestbody 


  "jobWorkers": [{

            "WorkerEmail": "worker1@domain.com"},{

            "WorkerEmail": "worker2@domain.com"
