ClientId | Readonly System generated guid |
PhysicalLocationId | System generated guid. Will be autoset to a new location if not supplied |
Importuniqueid | text unique identifier for querying matching |
Name | Mandatory Text |
Description | Text |
ContactFirstName | Text |
ContactLastName | Text |
ContactMobile | Text |
ContactEmail | Text |
ContactPhone | Text |
ContactFax | Text |
Address1 | Text |
Address2 | Text |
City | Text |
Region | Text |
PostCode | Text |
Country | Text |
IsActive | Boolean default true |
ModifiedDt | Readonly System set datetime |
ModifiedBy | Readonly system set audit |
XeroId | Readonly System set guid |
UseDefaultCredentials | Boolean |
LastExportTime | Readonly boolean |
ClientLocations | Readonly System set datetime |
JSON object. If an object is supplied it creates a location for every item supplied with the first being set as physicallocationid. LocationName is the only mandatory field | |
LocationId | System generated guid |
ClientID | Readonly system generated guid |
Importuniqueid | text unique identifier for querying matching |
Code | Text |
LocationName | Mandatory Text |
LocationPhone | Text |
ContactFullName | Text |
ContactMobile | Text |
ContactEmail | Text |
ContactPhone | Text |
ContactFax | Text |
Address1 | Text |
Address2 | Text |
City | Text |
Region | Text |
PostCode | Text |
Country | Text |
IsActive | Boolean default true |
ModifiedDt | Readonly System set datetime |
ModifiedBy | Readonly system set audit |
InspectionIntervalId | Readonly Int (if interval is overridden) |
PostponeAlertsDate | Readonly datetime |
AssignedBranch | Readonly BranchID |
Notes | Text |
SalesPersonGuid | Readonly Guid |
InspectorGuid | Readonly Guid |
TravelTime | Int |
Duration | Int |
CustomImportField1 | Text |
CustomImportField2 | Text |
Client_importUniqueId | Set only unique ID for supplying importuniqueID for client on PUT (instead of the ClientID). Not populated on GET. |
EquipmentGuid | System generated guid |
SerialNumber | Mandatory Text |
ClientId | Mandatory GUID |
Importuniqueid | text unique identifier for querying matching |
EquipmentTypeId | Int |
Description | Text |
Location | Text |
LastInspectionDate | Datetime |
GroupGuid | Guid |
IsActive | Boolean default true |
InspectionIntervalId | Int |
ClientReference | Text |
Make | Text |
Model | Text |
Barcode | Text |
WarrantyBegin | Datetime |
WarrantyEnd | Datetime |
ModifiedDt | Readonly System set datetime |
ModifiedBy | Readonly system set audit |
Comment | Text |
Passed | Boolean |
Failed | Boolean |
Missed | Boolean |
StatusId | Int |
ClientLocationId | Mandatory Guid |
MultipleMasterEquipmentGuid | Readonly Guid |
NextScheduledDate | Readonly Guid |
SearchText | Int |
CustomerAcceptanceName | Int |
CustomerAcceptanceDate | Text |
InspectionHistory | Text |
Serial2 | Text |
StatusLookupGuid | Guid |
AreaGuid | Guid |
PostponeDate | Datetime |
CertificateNumber | Text |
Building | Text |
PreviousLocation | Text |
Client_importUniqueId | Set only unique ID for supplying importuniqueID for client on PUT (instead of the ClientID). Not populated on GET. |
Attachments | Readonly JSON object |
JobGuid | System generated guid |
Clientid | Mandatory GUID (or can use client_importuniqueid) |
ClientLocationId | Mandatory GUID (or can use clientlocation_importuniqueid) |
BranchId | Mandatory Int for Branch |
StatusId | Int |
JobNumber | Int. Either autonumber or manual set depending on site setup. |
CustomerRef | Text |
StartTime | Mandatory Datetime |
ContactFullName | Text |
Mobile | Text |
Text | |
Phone | Text |
Address1 | Text |
Address2 | Text |
City | Text |
Region | Text |
Postcode | Text |
Country | Text |
DueDate | DateTime |
Notes | Text |
EndTime | DateTime |
Hours | Decimal |
StartTimeActual | DateTime |
EndTimeActual | DateTime |
IsComplete | Boolean |
IsActive | Boolean (Ignored on create) |
CreatedBy | Readonly Text |
CreatedDt | Readonly DateTime |
ModifiedBy | Readonly Text |
ModifiedDt | Readonly DateTime |
Recurring | Readonly Boolean |
NotifyClient | Boolean |
NotifyTechnician | Boolean |
ClientNotified | Readonly Boolean |
TechnicianNotified | Readonly Boolean |
ClientEmailAddress | Text |
ClientEmailText | Text |
CompleteNotificationSentDate | Readonly DateTime |
ApprovedBy | Guid of user |
CompletedBy | Guid of user |
CompletedDate | DateTime |
ExtraFields | Text |
VcSubject | Text |
AuthorisedUtcdate | DateTime |
SubStatusId | Int |
LastProcessedDate | DateTime |
Apinotes | Text |
JobWorkers | JSON Object of worker emails. Example below "jobWorkers": [{ "WorkerEmail": ""},{"WorkerEmail": ""}] |
Client_importUniqueId | Unique ID for supplying importuniqueID for client on PUT (instead of the ClientID). |
clientlocation_importuniqueid | unique ID for supplying importuniqueID for client_location on PUT (instead of the ClientlocationID). |