Core Inspection Office 365 calendar configuration
This document describes the process for administrators to setup permissions for Core Inspection to integrate designated users accounts with O365. This integration is a one way push to a users Outlook Calendar and updates to the calendar therefore are not maintained by Core.
In order for the office 365 to be setup, the following settings are needed at Organisational level in your Azure account.
App registration
Using an account with required Azure permissions, please navigate to and create a new app registration. This is required for the Microsoft graph API access.
Organisation details & Client secret
Next we need to setup the required organisation details and permissions.
Navigate to the app registration created above and providing us the tenantid & clientid
Create a client secret providing us the clientsecret (this is the value that is only provided once on creation).
Navigate to the api permissions on the previously created app.
The following API permissions are needed;
Calendars.ReadWrite - This is to be able to modify calendar events and;
Mailsettings.Read - This is needed so that users' local timezone can be used in the event creation.
Note: These need to be set up as Application (not Delegation) permissions.