A job must be scheduled for you to perform inspections at that site.  A job is Scheduled when you have contacted the client and determined a time and date to perform an inspections.  To schedule a job please do the following.

  1. Log in to https://yourcompanyname.coreinspection.com
  2. Go to “Jobs” in the menu.
  3. Click the “Add New” button.
  4. Select the “Client” and “Client Site” that this job is for.
  5. Select a date and time in the “Scheduled For” box.
  6. Select the Branch that this job is for.
  7. In the “Workers Box” start typing your name and then select it when it appears.
  8. Click the “Save” button.
  9. Inspections can now be performed against this job on the website or on the technician’s tablet.

Note:     The job will start appearing on the technicians tablet when it is scheduled within the next 7 days.

The “Workers” box only shows workers assigned to the selected branch (van).  If the name of the technician you want to assign the job to is not appearing then open up this user from “Configuration -> Users” and assign this technician to the branch (Van).

Trouble Shooting.  If the job does not appear on your tablet, please check the following.  

  1. The job is scheduled to you.
  2. The job is scheduled in the next 7 days
  3. The job is active.
  4. You have an internet connection on the tablet and have pressed the sync button.