Getting started using the web portal

Step by step instructions to using the web portal

Adding a Client

Introduction Core has as register of clients for you to store client information.  Each client in core must contain 1 or more client sites. Equipment in core is assigned to a client and a client site. Jobs in Core are also assigned to a client and...

Scheduling a Job

A job must be scheduled for you to perform inspections at that site.  A job is Scheduled when you have contacted the client and determined a time and date to perform an inspections.  To schedule a job please do the following. Log in to https://you...

Performing inspections using the web portal

Once you have scheduled a job using the steps mentioned above you can perform inspections against that job.  To do this please take the following steps. Log in to Go to “Jobs” in the menu. Search for the ...

Sending out Reports to Clients

To send out a register of all the inspections that were completed as part of a job, please take the following steps. Log in to Go to “Jobs” in the menu Enter the Job number and click “search”. If the Job ...

Repeating Job Templates

Repeating Jobs are a way of scheduling Jobs that occur at set intervals, for example every 3 months. A repeating job template will create a pending job for each time that job should occur.  For example a 3 month repeating Job template starting in ...

Determining which Clients are Overdue

To determine what clients are in need of inspection you must use the Web portal.  To do this please take the following steps. Log in to Go to “Forecast” - > “Overdue Clients” in the menu. This page will n...

Viewing a Job Card

To view a summary of the inspections performed please perform the following steps. Log in to Go to “Jobs” in the menu Enter the Job number and click “search”. If the Job does not appear, check the “comple...

Creating a Client Login

Client logins allow your clients to have their own login to the online register your organisation has created for them. The benefit of this is your client can access the information they need without needing to contact your staff freeing up valuab...

Resetting Passwords

To reset a password please follow the link on the login page that says forgotten your password. Alternatively, Administrative users can reset passwords by performing the following steps. Log in to Go to “...

Assigning a technician to a branch

To assign a technician to a branch please perform the following steps (Admin Users Only) Log in to Go to “Configuration -> Users” in the Menu.  Search for the user you want to reset the password for. Clic...

Adding and modifying clients and client sites

To add a new client to the system perform the following steps. Log in to Go to “Clients” in the menu  Search for the Client first to ensure it doesn’t already exist. If the client doesn’t exist then press...

Using the Equipment Register

The Equipment Register shows all the equipment in a client’s register. To search for a piece of equipment across all registers please do the following. Click on “Equipment” in the menu Ensure no client is selected Ensure no client site is selected...

Adding A Worker Or Admin User

To Add a worker or admin user please take the following steps. Log in to Core as an admin user Go to configuration - > users Click "Add New" Enter the user's email address, first name and last name For the role select "Admin" or "Worker".  Admin u...

Adding Equipment using the web portal

In the web portal, equipment can be added two different ways. 1.  It can be added directly into the Equipment Register 2.  If can be added via a job as long as an inspection is being performed on the equipment. Please see the instructions below. 1...

Importing Equipment

Introduction Core has as register of equipment at a client sites. To quickly setup existing registers or we suggest you import using the single sheet. Import equipment in a single sheet  This will import generic details and additionally any shared...


Using the Scheduler