Once you have scheduled a job using the steps mentioned above you can perform inspections against that job.  To do this please take the following steps.

  1. Log in to https://yourcompanyname.coreinspection.com
  2. Go to “Jobs” in the menu.
  3. Search for the job and click “open”
  4. Go to the “Inspection Reports” tab.
  5. Click “Add New Inspection”.
  6. The screen shown below will appear.  In the text box titled “Please select equipment to inspect” start typing the description of the equipment to inspect or if it is a new item select “Add New Equipment”
  7. If inspecting existing equipment, you are able to select multiple items of the same type at this stage (eg multiple round slings).
  8. Select Next.
  9. Select the inspection type and select next.
  10. Fill in the relevant criteria and follow the prompts.
  11. The equipment will now appear on the inspection Reports tab of the job as shown below.
  12. To view the certificate select “Open”.